17 oct 2020

Unit 1 PLACES Lesson 1 Heroes 3

Listen and say the words. Escucha y di las palabras.

PLACES (Lugares)

Listen, point and say the rap. Escucha, señala y di el rap.

Look at the pictures on the wall.
Let’s read and rap and remember them all.
Where’s the café?                                       It’s here. Look!
Where’s the garden?                                   It’s here. Look!
Where’s the hall?                                        It’s here. Look!
Where’s the gym?                                       It’s here. Look!
Where’s the arts and crafts room?             It’s here. Look!
Where’s the computer room?                     It’s here. Look!
Where’s the library?                                   It’s here. Look!
Where’s the sports field?                           It’s here. Look!
Where’s the entrance?                               It’s here. Look!
Where’s the playground?                           It’s here. Look!

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